3 Tips for Taking Great Pictures in the Spring

Spring is an amazing time to take pictures because of all of the wonderful colours coming back to life. As the world awakens from the slumber of winter (especially here in Minnesota where I live), vibrant colors, blooming flowers, and longer daylight hours present countless opportunities to capture stunning images.

Even if you’re not a professional photographer, there are just too many picturesque subjects to capture in the spring. Sometimes I find myself wishing that I had my actual nice camera with me and not just my phone!

So here are three ideas to take better pictures in the spring.

IRBC Golden Hour Over the Lake1. Embrace the Golden Hour

The golden hour—one hour after sunrise and one hour before sunset—offers the most beautiful lighting conditions for photography. It’s one of my favourite times to schedule photo shoots, go on a walk/run, or read my Bible. The soft, warm light during these times enhances colors and adds a dreamy quality to your photos.

It’s God’s best light, in my opinion. In spring, this light can highlight the fresh greens of new leaves, the vivid hues of flowers, and any colour of skin tone if you’re taking pictures of people.

To capture the best golden hour shots, plan your outings around these times. Wake up early to catch the sunrise or set aside time in the evening for sunset. Look for subjects that benefit from backlighting, such as flowers, trees, or people, to create a glowing effect. Golden hour reflections on water are also stunning.

If you have a DSLR or mirrorless camera, use a wide aperture (low f-number) to create a shallow depth of field, making your subject stand out against the softly lit background.

Pro Tip: Use a smartphone app or check online for the exact times of sunrise and sunset in your location. This will help you plan your time more precisely and ensure you don’t miss the golden hour.

2. Capture the Details

Spring is all about the details—the delicate petals of a blooming flower, the texture of newly sprouted leaves, or the intricate patterns of a butterfly’s wings. Macro photography is an excellent way to capture these details and showcase the season’s beauty up close.

If you have a camera with interchangeable lenses, invest in a macro lens or extension tubes for your camera to get those extreme close-up shots. If you’re using a smartphone, consider purchasing clip-on macro lenses, but I found that many phones these days have excellent macro capabilities.

Blue FlowersWhen shooting, pay attention to your background and ensure it complements your subject without being distracting. Use a tripod to keep your phone or camera steady, especially when shooting with a narrow aperture for a greater depth of field.

Focus on finding interesting compositions and angles. Get down to the level of your subject, experiment with different perspectives, and don’t be afraid to get close.

I find this especially true when taking pictures of flowers. The closer you get, the more details you can reveal, making your photos more captivating.

Pro Tip: Bring a small spray bottle filled with water to create the look of morning dew on flowers and plants. This can add an extra element of freshness and beauty to your macro shots.

3. Play with Color

From the green of the trees and the grass to the bright yellows of daffodils to the soft pinks of cherry blossoms, colour is everywhere. Take advantage of this natural palette by incorporating vibrant colors into your compositions.

Look for contrasting colors that can make your subject pop, such as purple flowers against green foliage or a blue sky backdrop.

When composing your shots, consider the color wheel and how different hues interact. Complementary colors (those opposite each other on the color wheel) create strong visual contrasts, while analogous colors (those next to each other) produce harmonious and pleasing images.

Additionally, pay attention to the weather. Overcast days can provide soft, even lighting that enhances colors without harsh shadows. I always tell people that overcast days are my favourite days to take pictures. I especially like overcast skies on wedding days!

After a rain shower, the colors can appear more saturated and vibrant, adding an extra level of interest to your photos. You might even have the privilege of seeing a rainbow! So get outside on those rainy days too.

Pro Tip: Keep a polarizing filter handy for your interchangeable lenses. It can help reduce glare and reflections while enhancing the colors in your photos, making the sky bluer and the foliage greener. I have a couple of these filters and just don’t use them enough!


Spring offers a unique and vibrant canvas for anyone who likes to take pictures. Embrace the golden hour, capture intricate details, and play with the season’s abundant colors, and you can create great images regardless of the equipment that you use.

Grab your phone or camera, head outside, and let the magic of God’s creation during spring inspire you!

Do you take a lot of pictures in the spring?