Do These 3 Things Every Day to Elevate Your Photography

Photography has changed the lives of millions of people, myself included. Pictures tell stories and preserve memories for a lifetime.

In this digital age where we can take a picture and make it available to the whole world in less than 10 seconds, we all have the ability to tell these stories and preserve these memories for ourselves.

Not only that, but photography allows you to capture the beauty in everyday moments. Regardless of whether you are a seasoned photographer or just starting out, finding inspiration in the ordinary can lead to some of the most compelling images.

In fact, I got my start as a photographer by taking hundreds of pictures of everyday moments, not as a portrait photographer or as an artist.

So I want to help you improve your photography with three tips that can help you find and capture those everyday moments with skill and creativity.

Huang Family Framed by Grass1. Find Beauty in Ordinary Moments

One of the most powerful aspects of photography is its ability to transform the mundane into something extraordinary. The key to capturing beautiful everyday photos is to train your eye to see the potential in ordinary moments.

Look around your daily environment and focus on the small details that often go unnoticed. It could be the way sunlight filters through your kitchen window in the morning, the pattern of raindrops on a windowpane, or the way shadows create interesting shapes on the ground.

A month ago I was at a sculpture park with my family, and I set my phone down on the ground with the selfie camera still on. The perspective was so unique that I left the phone in the grass, got my family within the frame, and took the picture. I love how it turned out! Now it just needs a little editing to fix the lighting.

Pro Tip: Keep your camera or smartphone with you at all times. Being prepared allows you to seize unexpected opportunities and capture fleeting moments that you might otherwise miss. Practice shooting from different angles and perspectives to find unique compositions that highlight the beauty in everyday scenes.

This is what I did while I was a college and seminary student. I carried my DSLR to every single class, every single meal, and every single event. It was one of the best decisions I ever made as a photographer. Today I carry my Google Pixel 1 with me everywhere because it has a nice camera.

2. Experiment with Different Angles and Perspectives

Changing your viewpoint can dramatically alter the impact of a photograph. Instead of always shooting from eye level, try to get low to the ground (like the accidental perspective of the picture at the sculpture park) or find a higher vantage point. Experimenting with different angles can add depth and interest to your photos, making them stand out.

Try taking pictures through other objects, like the leaves on a tree or people in a room. Adding foreground elements always adds context and interest to photos.

Pro Tip: Start by photographing the same subject from multiple angles. For example, if you’re photographing a coffee cup on a table, try shooting from above for a flat lay effect, from the side to capture the cup’s shape, and from a low angle to include the surrounding environment. This exercise will help you see how different perspectives can change the story your photo tells. This is also how people take normal items and turn them into beautiful collages that you find in the homes of the wealthy!

Baby Jocelyn with a Smartphone3. Practice Regularly to Improve Your Skills

Like any other art form, photography requires practice to improve. The more you shoot, the better you’ll become at recognizing good composition, understanding light, and capturing compelling images. Make a habit of taking photos every day, even if it’s just with your smartphone. Regular practice will help you develop your unique style and refine your technical skills.

Even if you are interested in exploring or specializing in a specific type of photography, still take the time to take pictures of anything and everything because it will help you better understand the elements that make a good photograph.

Pro Tip: Set yourself small photography challenges to keep things interesting and push your creative boundaries. For instance, you could focus on a different theme each week, such as shadows, reflections, or color. By giving yourself these mini-projects, you’ll stay motivated and continuously improve your skills.


Embracing everyday photography is all about finding beauty in the ordinary and capturing it in a way that resonates with others. By training your eye to see the potential in daily moments, experimenting with different angles and perspectives, and practicing regularly, you’ll not only improve your photography skills but also gain a deeper appreciation for the world around you.

You will also be able to take better pictures of those random people you meet who ask you to take a quick picture of them with their phone 😉

So, grab your camera or smartphone and start exploring the endless photographic opportunities that await in your everyday life.

Do you plan to implement any of these ideas?